1st July 2017 – Summer Social

5.00 – 8.30 pm at 22a Riverbank, Littleport

Our member Siobhan Carew and her husband have kindly made their farm available for this event. There will be a charge of £5 per head, and members are welcome to bring guests. You must also bring a dish (sweet or savoury) and some drink (whether alcoholic or not) to share. The farm is half a mile from Littleport rail station.

The summer timetable may change, but at the moment there is a train from Cambridge at 4.35 pm which arrives at Littleport at 4.48pm, and a train back leaves Littleport at 8.58 pm, arriving back in Cambridge at 9.22 pm.

Members may wish to share lifts, so if you can either offer one, or need one, please contact the Secretary, Siobhan Carew siobhan.carew@cantab.net It can also be arranged to pick you up from Littleport station.

Non-members who might wish to use this chance to meet us are are also welcome, but should contact the Chair:  Harry Goode harry.huguette@ntlworld.com