Of all our meetings, this is the gem,
the much looked-forward-to AGM.
Well, yes, there will be a little formal business, but don’t cower at home in fear. There is only one vacant Committee post, that of Publicity Officer. It involves writing a press release about those general meetings when we have speakers, and once a year trying to get on local radio stations, together with one or two members, to talk about what we do. Quite a lot of fun really.
At the meeting we shall decide the shape of the next Short Story Competition. For those who enjoy a little light reading I attach the Agenda.
The Quiz
Here is a starter for nothing.
fabaceous is it? :
(a) 1960s slang term of approval.
(b) describing delicate gold and enamel ware.
(c) bean-shaped.
There will be 26 such questions. Of course, use of smart phones, or miniaturised copies of Chambers Dictionary, are strictly forbidden. Each member of the winning team will receive a box of chocolates.